Village Inn
21 Yorktown RoadSandhurst
GU47 9DX

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Originally called the New Inn and dating back to when the railway arrived in Sandhurst. Three handpumps are situated on the small bar with two permanent beers and a changing guest sourced from various national breweries. In addition to the real ales there is also Westons Old Rosie and Rosie's Pig real cider. Outside is a separate area with a converted barn which offers a cocktail bar at the weekend and for events. Multiple entertainment is offered during the week including karaoke on Thursdays, a meat raffle on Fridays, live music on Saturdays and a quiz night on Sundays. The licensees are previous Pub of the Year winners in a neighbouring branch and have brought their passion for keeping good beer to this hostelry. Well behaved children and dogs are welcome. Reported 14 February - NO REAL ALE available - hope this is temporary. Reported 20 October - two real ales now on - Dark Star Hophead plus guest.