Berkshire South-East

Special Award for Mike Smith

Monday 22 August 2022

During the Ascot Beer Festival Helpers' Trip to Stardust brewery, our CAMRA branch Chair Kevin Lenton presented a Special Award to one of our hardest working branch members - Mike Smith.

Mike is a long-standing CAMRA member who has fulfilled various roles in CAMRA branches including Branch Chairman, Magazine Editor, LOCALE Co-ordinator, Treasurer and for the past 13 years has been the Festival Organiser for the Ascot Beer and Cider Festival.

The Ascot Beer Festival was first suggested by the late Colin Lanham who worked with Ascot Race Course in the early stages of the first festival. Tragically, some months before the festival date, Colin died unexpectedly, and without hesitation Mike stepped into the breach. The festival has been a great success ever since.

This has been achieved as a result of Mike’s management, especially working with the Ascot Racecourse management, attention to detail, enthusiasm and the way that he provides guidance when needed but also lets those who know what they are doing get on with it. His start of the day briefing sessions ensures that all volunteers know exactly what is expected of them, health and safety is paramount, and always includes an obligatory joke.

Unbeknown to him, Mike was nominated for CAMRA's national Campaigner of the Year award last year. CAMRA HQ did not choose to recognise Mike’s achievements for that award, so the branch presented him with a certificate and an engraved tankard to demonstrate our appreciation of all that he does for CAMRA.